The Head of Counter Terrorism Policing Matt Jukes and Director General Richard Westlake, have penned a joint open letter to recognise and thank police staff for their vital contributions to the counter terrorism mission:

Matt Jukes, Head of Counter Terrorism Policing
This week, for the first time, police forces across the UK are marking a ‘National Week of Recognition and Celebration of Police Staff’.
Police staff, and seconded colleagues from other organisations are a vital part of our mission here at Counter Terrorism Policing. It’s a story we haven’t yet told in great detail.
When we have told this story, it is often in terms of ‘the back-office’ or ‘behind the scenes’, but the reality is that police staff are at the heart of our delivery for policing and for the public. Many have operational roles and others enable our complex system to function.
This is true in CTP more than anywhere else in policing – where fewer of our roles involve direct public contact, the blended team we have is a true strength and perhaps, not understood by the public or wider policing.
Perhaps we haven’t always recognised that ourselves because police staff, like officers, have never asked for recognition. Like the best public servants, they don’t take on the job for the limelight and whilst we rightly commend physical courage, bravery and brilliant investigations, we need to do more to reward and acknowledge the contribution of police staff. We know that those of you in staff roles care deeply about serving the public and our communities.
We hope that our staff at Counter Terrorism Policing feel the gratitude and admiration that colleagues and the public have for the work they do, and that is something we can sustain.
From our HR specialists who ensure we recruit the best and brightest, to explosive experts who examine suspicious packages, police staff come in all shapes and sizes. From data scientists to IT technicians, to forensics, to project managers, everyone comes to work with one motivation; to keep the public safe. We now also have police staff in senior leadership roles in our CT Units; breaking the mould for policing.

Richard Westlake, Director General of Counter Terrorism Policing
And in case you wondered, police staff also sit at the heart of our HQ. We have senior members of staff whose decisions and expertise contribute to our 800 live investigations and the 39 disrupted late-stage attacks since 2017. Officers and staff working together is a powerful combination, one which makes us more effective in delivering our mission.
The week of recognition for police staff will conclude on Friday, which is another significant date – International Women’s Day. Every year we take this opportunity to recognise and showcase the contributions of our female colleagues, and we never find ourselves short on inspiring stories to tell. It is a week also to reflect on the findings of the Angiolini Inquiry and the work we need to maintain and accelerate to ensure CTP and policing provides a workplace where everyone feels safe to thrive and to achieve.
The respect and appreciation we have for staff, female colleagues, and our entire workforce, is not restricted to a single day or week in the year; our culture wouldn’t allow it. Through the formal commendation ceremonies or simply daily recognition from colleagues, outstanding work is acknowledged and celebrated at Counter Terrorism Policing.
As we pause and reflect – a luxury not often afforded to us in the fast-paced nature of policing – we want to say thank you to our people, whose dedication to the job is not often recognised by those outside of their workplace and immediate families.
Matt Jukes QPM
Head of Counter Terrorism Policing
Richard Westlake
Director General Counter Terrorism Policing