North East | Counter Terrorism Policing

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Counter Terrorism Policing North East

Counter Terrorism Policing North East works within the national counter terrorism network to make sure that the police service in the UK is better equipped to prevent or respond to incidents of terrorism and domestic extremism to investigate and prosecute those involved.

Counter Terrorism Policing North East (CTPNE) was set up in April 2007. It is part of a national network, established to strengthen the UK’s response to the threat from terrorism.

Counter Terrorism Policing North East works within the national counter terrorism network to make sure that the police service in the UK is better equipped to prevent and respond to incidents of terrorism and to investigate and prosecute those involved.

We deliver specialist support to police throughout the country, and in particular, forces in the North East region. The Unit draws on a wide range of expertise including; skilled detectives, financial investigators, community contact teams, intelligence analysts, forensic specialists and high-tech investigators.

CTPNE combines the very latest technology with dedicated resources. In doing so, it is largely self sufficient and can effectively manage CT enquiries and operations, without compromising the commitment of local forces to day to day policing.

Terrorism inquiries are extensive and have the potential to tie up large numbers of officers for prolonged periods of time. Counter Terrorism Policing recognises the long term impact of these investigations on local forces. The regional units bring together the skills and resources needed to respond swiftly to intelligence and incidents, without hindering efforts to tackle the other crimes which affect our communities.

Local Forces

CTPNE is a collaboration of the following local police forces

Cleveland Police

Durham Constabulary

Humberside Police

Northumbria Police

North Yorkshire Police

South Yorkshire Police

West Yorkshire Police


16 July 2024

The 16 year old from Stockton-on-Tees received a Youth Rehabilitation Order and a Criminal Behaviour Order, after admitting possessing extreme right wing material and distributing content to others on social media platforms.

2 July 2024

Mohammad Sohail Farooq (18/10/1995) has today (Tuesday, July 2) been convicted of preparing for an act of terrorism, contrary to Section 5 of the Terrorism Act 2006, following a three-week trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

6 June 2024

A 31 year old man from Barnsley has today (Thursday, June 6) been sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment and one year on licence for terrorism and indecent images offences.
