Counter Terrorism Policing South East
Counter Terrorism Policing South East works within the national counter terrorism network to make sure that the police service in the UK is better equipped to prevent or respond to incidents of terrorism and domestic extremism to investigate and prosecute those involved.

Counter Terrorism Policing South East has, since 2009, been responsible for co-ordinating the regional counter terrorist response and providing specialist support to police forces in Hampshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and the Thames Valley.
In line with the Home Office counter terrorism strategy, CONTEST, the Unit helps ensure police are better equipped to prevent and respond to terrorist incidents and investigate and prosecute those involved.
CTPSE’s teams of detectives, forensics and high tech specialists support the region’s forces with CT investigations and can be also called upon to provide support to forces in the South West and across the country.
Local Forces
CTPSE is a collaboration of the following local police forces
A 19-year-old man who was a member of an extreme Satanic group has been sentenced to a nine-year extended sentence for possessing a terrorist document and encouraging someone online to take her own life. Cameron Finnigan, of Denne Park, Horsham, West Sussex, appeared at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) today (16/1) for sentencing. He...
A man who encouraged terrorism and espoused extreme right-wing views has been sentenced for terrorism offences, following an investigation by Counter Terrorism Policing South East (CTPSE).
A man from Portsmouth has been given a sentence of nine years and six months for terrorism offences, as well as attempting to make his own firearm.