Mother Convicted for Not Telling Police About Terror Plot | Counter Terrorism Policing

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Mother Convicted for Not Telling Police About Terror Plot

A 49-year-old female from Leeds has today, Tuesday May 14, 2024, been found guilty of terrorism offences at Leeds Crown Court.

Nabeela Anjum (19/04/1976) from Upland Road in Roundhay was charged with two offences of Failing to Disclose Information about Acts of Terrorism to the police contrary to S38B of the Terrorism Act 2000.

She has been bailed pending sentencing. A date has yet to be confirmed.

Nabeela ANJUM was charged by Counter Terrorism Policing North East in October 2023 after police produced a chronological timeline of WhatsApp messages and calls evidencing that she had failed to disclose information relating to a terror attack.

Nabeela AMJUM became aware that her teenage son, Sameer ANJUM, had become radicalised, held extremist Islamist beliefs and was viewing terrorist propaganda. He was also in contact with a London based individual, who had obtained chemicals which he intended to use to construct a bomb. Nabeela, was aware of this information and failed to disclose this to the police.

The London based nominal, Al Arfat HASSAN, appeared at The Old Bailey on November 10, 2023 and, after an investigation by the Met Police, pleaded guilty to having 500ml of Acetone and 750 ml Hydrogen Peroxide articles in his possession for a purpose connected with an act of terrorism (contrary to S57 of the Terrorism Act 2000).

Nabeela’s son, Sameer, was also prosecuted, and given a custodial sentence, for not disclosing to the police Al Arfat HASSAN’s terrorist intentions relating to the chemicals.

Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley said: “This demonstrates how important it is to report serious information to the police. We are all under a legal duty to report to the police any information which we know or believe might be of assistance in preventing an act of terrorism.

“You may think that you are helping and protecting someone by withholding information, but you are not, and it can make things worse.

“We ask that if you are concerned about anyone or you’ve spotted worrying behaviour then please call the national Police Prevent Advice Line on 0800 011 3764, in confidence, and our specially trained Prevent officers will listen carefully to your concerns.

“Family and friends are best placed to know when something doesn’t feel right. By seeking support at an early stage, together we can prevent them from being drawn into harmful groups or activities and help them choose a different path.

“You can also report online material which promotes terrorism, extremism or violence, in confidence, at”